Client: Pharmaceutical Company- Internal
Year: 2021
Project Type: Instructional Design
My Role: I acted as the instructional designer, working directly with the SMEs to develop the four levels of training.
Background: Develop four programs, specific to each level of system access hierarchy, to use their proprietary software. Each program included demonstration, practice, and assessment the learner had to pass in order to complete the training. Several levels of the training were prerequisites to others.
Primary Obstacles: The beta version of the software that I used for writing the content and taking the screenshots for the storyboards was not perfectly aligned to the live version of the program, so we had to make several last minute changes for accuracy.
Results: The storyboarding was done in Microsoft PowerPoint so that it could be imported into Articulate Storyline. The screenshots were replicated three times to allow for demonstration- videos showing what to do, interaction- where the learners had to correctly identify the procedure and receive feedback if they choose the wrong part of the software, and testing- where the learner tried to follow the process without receiving any guided support.